
Automatic translations that are applied to all members of a server.

This functions similar to tr?auto, but allows the bot to translate everyone's messages on a server. tr?auto only does it for the person who ran the command.

It also has priority over tr?auto settings. That means, if applicable, it overrides settings made by tr?auto. This gives you finer control over how you want messages to be translated, and for whom.

In this example, it is used to translate everyone's messages to Japanese on #my-channel

Check your server's settings like so.


To turn it on

tr?autoall on [language code] (optional @users) (optional #channels)

If @user is specified, auto translate for a specific user. Otherwise, auto translate for all users.

If #channel is specified, auto translate for a specific channel. Otherwise, auto translate for all channels.

Multiple users and channels can be specified at the same time.

tr?autoall status (optional @user)

Show tr?autoall settings for the server or user.

To turn it off

tr?autoall off (optional @users) (optional #channels)

Turns off auto translate for the server, specific users, and/or specific channels.

Last updated